MusicNomad MN301 humid-i-bar replace sponge for humitar
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MusicNomad MN301 humid-i-bar replace sponge for humitar
Replacement Humid-i-Bar used in the MusicNomad Humitar Humidifier
Holds 10x its weight in water
Anti-Drip, No Mess Material
This is a replacement sponge that can be inserted in the Humitar Humidifier. It works for both the Soundhole Humidifier (MN300) and the Case Humidifier (MN303). Always use distilled water.
Holds 10x its weight in water
Anti-Drip, No Mess Material
This is a replacement sponge that can be inserted in the Humitar Humidifier. It works for both the Soundhole Humidifier (MN300) and the Case Humidifier (MN303). Always use distilled water.
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